Monday, June 29, 2009

intro to the extro

I am OBSESSED!!! With two words. Introvert and extrovert. I think about them all the time, everywhere, every time I see people, i think about those words.
Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute! I know you're thinking that right now, so let me go backwards. For those of you in the audience with no clue what I'm talking about, let me tell you: an introvert is someone who is reserved, shy, quiet. Doesn't like social scenes that much, the one in background, etc, etc. An extrovert is the complete opposite. Outgoing, loud, talkative. Practically LIVES for social scenes, the one in front, etc, etc.
So anyway, I am obsessed with those too words because I myself am an introvert. And I sometimes feel in the shadow of the extroverts. The me part out the window I have a little advice for you other introverts who have no idea what to do with yourselves. For one, STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES! No doormats, it sucks to be one. For two, if you really need to say something SAY IT! Alot of times, people skip over quiet people, expecting them not to say something. Well, I for one think it would be cool to surprise them with something to say.
This is my stand,

Thursday, June 18, 2009

cliques up

There's this girl I know. She has a lot of friends, and I bet she can be a good friend to each of them individually, but when most of them are in the same vicinity, she's a wreck. This girl just runs around, hanging out and having a great time with her current, popular, sorry to say it, but a little shallow friends. That would be ok, if she didn't ignore her other friends. You know what? I'm one of those ignored friends. It SUCKS!
Some things I've noticed about cliquey people:they have a lot of cliques. And they act differently with each clique. It amazes me how people (including me) can just change personalities depending on who their with, or where they are. Why do we have to change so much?
What else have I noticed? The people's ability to just drop their main interests out the window to adjust to someone else's. If you know what you stand for, and what you like and don't like, is there any reason to change it to fit someone else?
Cliquey girl knows who she is (if you have to ask, it's probably not you). If you're reading this post, C.G, DON'T APOLOGIZE! It did nothing before, and it will do nothing now.
It's just crap,

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

song bites

So, alot of times, when I internet chat with friends, I make up songs and post them when there are lulls in the chatversation. I thought it would be cool to share some. But, you tell me. Ok, this is how it goes:

I wanna be
out there
dancin' in the rain
cuz it feels good

I wanna be
out there
singin' in the crowd
cuz nobody cares
and it feels good
I wanna RUN

And another:
Hey now
sit and listen
look back on the things you've done
Ok, add that to "ice blue eyes" and you can pretty much see that I practically have song lyrics coursing through my veins . I also want to share on that I first started a year ago, and I've embellished it. Here it goes:

Take it easy
treat me dearly
like your very own
Hold me closer
hold me tighter
take me as I am
Here and gone, a fleeting moment in time
waiting to speak, until I catch your eye

Don't discriminate
stand back and don't hate
don't change me, don't change me
Don't fuss over me
back away and set me free
yeah, don't change me
don't stay away, though
Pull me in closer
pull me in deeper
don't spit me back out
I'll go in longer
go in stronger
to get closer to you
Blending in, by standing out from the crowd
Does anyone just want to be themselves

Don't discriminate
stand back and don't hate
don't change me, don't change me
Don't fuss over me
back away and set me free
yeah, don't change me
don't stay away, though

Don't discriminate
stand back and don't hate
don't change me, don't change me
Don't fuss over me
back away and set me free
yeah, don't change me
don't stay away, though
Don't stay away

I'm your lyrics girl

short note

Attention, all you freaks and weirdas!! I just wanted to say to my scores and scores of readers (HA!), PLEASE COMMENT ON MY POSTS!! It's the only way i can tell if people are reading this.
That is all,